
Scatterbrain | Partners of ADHDers | Group Coaching

£200 for 6 weeks

  • Total



  • Registered with the EMCC
  • Member of the ACO (ADHD Coaches Organisation
  • Accredited ADHD & Life Coach (ADDCA)
  • Mental Health First Aider
  • IQ Level 7 Organisation Postgraduate Award of Proficiency in Assessment for Access Arrangements (PAPAA)

-Half way through a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology.

Scatterbrain Coaching – Anita Hempenius

My ADHD coaching is strength-based and is deeply embedded in positive psychology.

I identify strengths to celebrate and coach you to use those strengths to come up with strategies for whatever challenges you are working on. I help you work on metacognitive skills, hold you accountable when you wish to be held accountable and will ask the questions that are uncomfortable and yet make you grow. I work with you on organisation and study skills.

I do group coaching sessions with partners of ADHDers to help them understand their partners better and how a different brain wiring influences much of life, always with the premise that ADHD is not a disorder but a different brain wiring.

I also work with couples where one of the couple is ADHD and the other is neurotypical. I support them in discovering not just the brain wiring of their partner, but also their own, and how this impacts how they think, behave, and live.

I live a nomadic lifestyle and travel around in a converted van.

Find out more on my website: www.scatterbraincoaching.co.uk

Partners of ADHDers Group Coaching

You will get an authentic view of what it is like to BE ADHD and hopefully start to understand some of the communication difficulties between ADHDers and neurotypicals.

You will be able to ask any question and discuss any topic which you may usually be afraid to even touch upon for fear of the reaction (we do tend to overreact to things or take them the wrong way, what with our RSD).

During some of the sessions your partner will also be invited and during the final in person day, all the couples will meet up and hopefully form an ongoing support group.

This series of group coaching sessions is available to partners of ADHDers of all genders.


£200 for 6 weekly online sessions and one day in person (optional)


Submit Enquiry

Insert your details here and Anita will get in touch with you.